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by Jen in

It is important to work toward gaining adequate education so that we are prepared to supply ourselves with a means of subsistence. However, that is not the only kind of education we should aim to receive. Education involves not only one’s intellect but also should include moral, social, and emotional intelligence as well. Becoming educated can become a life long goal that is filled with wonder and joy in the world that surrounds us.

Although education often brings thoughts of attending school or classes of some sort, we are actually being educated everyday of our lives. It is not just in the classroom that lessons are learned. Actually the bulk of our education comes as life is experienced day by day. Experience is gained as we progress through life. It can bring wisdom and understanding if we choose to process it in a positive way. Skills improve with repetition and knowledge results as questions arise and answers are discovered. When challenges are greeted with determination to meet and solve the problems at hand, confidence grows and solutions will come. Indeed education should be a life long pursuit. One that brings happiness, wisdom and fulfillment.

Learn more about education and literacy and watch a video about learning in the home.

A fun video of BYU's Vocal Point, singing "Jump, Jive and Wail"

Learn about the Perpetual Education Fund.

Teaching Values to Kids-Adventures from the Book of Virtues (Videos on BYU TV)

Ideas for making learning fun.

Degree Programs supported by Continuing Education, Outreach & E-Learning-Earn your degree at home from University of Wisconsin programs.


Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School


The ABC's of Staying Healthy At School

Helping Public Schools-Learn the importance of parent involvement in public schools. Meet National PTA President Chuck Saylors and hear his perspective on practical ways to get involved.

Street Views: Education- 

Women interviewed on the street talk about the importance of education.

Want to Go to School? Here you will find information on going to school from LDS Employment Services.

January 2012:
Education- Explore a variety of ideas about education.

For more information and links to resources click here.

If you have any resources or ideas you would like to share please add a comment below.


Frugal Friend said...

I try to learn something new every year. Sometimes it is gardening...OK most of the time it is gardening, but the past few years I have been trying to learn about drawing and painting. I am practicing on my family. Lately it has been my grandkids. Oh!...Mychaela said she wanted a guinea pig... not to be a guinea pig! Oh well.

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